Entries by Sococo

Sococo Saves Sococo from the Pacific Northwest Snowstorms!

I’ve been the Sococo Software team ScrumMaster for a few months now, and this is my first distributed team. Every day, I am more and more delighted when I experience how Sococo makes our team feel like they are always together. With the recent heavy snowstorms on the West Coast, I encountered a new situation […]

9 Top Tips for Working in Sococo

#1 Use Sococo to Cut Down on Email Look for a colleague in your virtual office before sending them another email. Shoot them a private chat if you don’t need an immediate response, or try knocking on their door to see if they’re available for a face-to-face conversation. Stuck in a long email thread? Suggest […]

7 Casual Communication Tips for Remote Teams

In a traditional office environment, casual communication happens all the time. Everything from a chat in the break room to an impromptu meeting goes a long way in building a team that is aligned and united. But what happens in remote environments, where team members are not in the same building, the same town, or […]

5 Tips for Overcoming Language Barriers

One of the biggest benefits of remote work is the ability to hire a diverse team regardless of where they’re based. Removing the barrier of the geography allows you to hire the best possible people for the job. More and more businesses are taking advantage of the flexibility of remote and distributed work to hire […]

Does Your Team Need a Virtual Health Check?

“Teamwork” is difficult to define. Most of us know what good teamwork looks like, but we’re not sure how to assess whether we are creating the right conditions for teamwork to flourish, especially when it comes to a virtual environment. Bruce Tuckman, best known for his five stages of group development, referred to a highly […]

How to Prevent Team Burnout Across Time Zones

Working across time zones in a distributed team can be hugely beneficial—it drastically increases your potential hiring pool, allows you to work with the best of the best on every project, and enables your team to respond to events quickly and easily. Sometimes, however, working across continents can make it hard to “log off.” You […]

What Color Is Your Company? A Brief Introduction to Self-Management

Many businesses who are moving to a distributed model are also jumping on the “Reinventing Organizations” bandwagon of less top-down management. The first question to ask when considering a move to self-management for your organization is simple, but it requires some background: What color is your company? “Reinventing Organizations,” a New Look at Corporate Power […]

Using Technology to Beat Commute Peak Demands

Recently, the Metro rail system in Washington D.C.—the backbone for people to commute and travel—had an unplanned 29 hour shutdown. With over 700,000 daily weekday boardings, suggestions by employers included using Uber and Lyft, which would only contribute to the already gridlocked rush hour commutes that DC area commuters face. Needless to say, it put […]

Focus On Customer Value to Transform Your Workplace Values

When we think of customer value, many of us think of improving our customer service representatives—invest in more conflict management training, have them be a little friendlier…everything will be great! But according to the lean manufacturing philosophy, the idea of customer value goes far deeper—to the very roots of your company’s organization and processes. What […]